FORM 3: Request for Transfer from Unmatured Defined Contribution Plan Family Relations Act, section 73 __________________________________________________________________________ To: Administrator of pension plan Name of Plan: _______________________________________________ Address of Plan: _______________________________________________ (please print) _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ From: Spouse of member (Note: "spouse" includes a former spouse.) Name: _______________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ Telephone: (home) ________________ (work) __________________ Social Insurance No.: _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ In relation to: Plan member Name of member: _______________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Telephone: (home) __________________ (work) ________________ Social Insurance or Pension Plan Identity Number: _______________________ Employer: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Other required information: * Date of marriage ___________________________ * Entitlement Date+ for Spouse: ____________________________ +(Note: This is the date on which the spouse became entitled to an interest in the member's pension in accordance with s. 56 (1) of the Family Relations Act (see below).) * A copy of the separation agreement or court order on which the entitlement date is based++ ++(Note: to be attached to or enclosed with this Form.) __________________________________________________________________________ Request: I request that you (a) transfer my share of the member's account balance by a transfer that is permitted by s. 33 (2) of the Pension Benefits Standards Act, and (b) advise me in writing of the information that you require in order to do this. ________________________________________ ________________________ Signed (Spouse) Date ________________________________________ Signed (Witness to signature of Spouse) Name of Witness:________________________________________________ Address of Witness:______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Family Relations Act, section 56: (1) Subject to this Part and Part 6, each spouse is entitled to an interest in each family asset on or after March 31, 1979, when (a) a separation agreement, (b) a declaratory judgment under section 57, (c) an order for dissolution of marriage or judicial separation, or (d) an order declaring the marriage null and void respecting the marriage is first made.