January 2022 Newsletter: New Year, New Us!
January 27, 2022
BY British Columbia Law Institute
A word from our Executive Director
2021 had many challenges. We are all happy that it has now come to an end, and we look to 2022 as offering new hope and new opportunity. 2022 marks 25 years since the BCLI first opened its doors in 1997. While so much has changed in the past 25 years, our steady commitment to excellence in law reform continues. We spent much of our time last year developing new projects that we are excited to share with you in the near future, and a new program area that will address the reconciliation opportunities enabled by British Columbia’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act.
In keeping with the theme of change, the BCLI is excited to reveal our new look and new website. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of maintaining online connections. Our front door is no longer at our office (though everyone is always welcome), but rather it is primarily our website. Our visual identity and revitalized branding capture key elements of our work – our foundational research, our collaboration with communities, stakeholders and experts, and our ability to reflect these individual perspectives for better laws, plain and simple.
We encourage you to check us out at bcli.org and we look forward to keeping in touch with you about our current projects and upcoming events online.
Trivia Contest: Win a toque!
To celebrate our new online presence and the new year, the BCLI is hosting a trivia contest on Twitter. We’ll be posting a question every day from January 31 to February 4 about BCLI research and law reform over the years. Brush up on your legal trivia by browsing our website — all the answers can be found in past BCLI reports, projects, and other pages. Whoever first answers the question correctly on Twitter gets a point, and whoever has the most points at the end of the contest wins a hand-knit toque in the new BCLI and CCEL colour scheme, knit by me!
We encourage you to follow the BCLI and the CCEL on all our social media platforms if you haven’t already. It’s the best way to keep in touch with us.
Staff Updates
Our team continues to grow! In 2021, we welcomed two new people to the BCLI: Communications Manager Alec Regino joined us in July while lawyer Alison Wilkinson joined our team in November. The CCEL also welcomed Jess Fehrenbacher as Outreach and Education Coordinator for the Engaging People Living with Dementia in Decision-Making Project. You can learn more about them and the rest of our team by visiting our website.
Thank you for your continued support.
Call for Health Care Key Informants
Are you a health care provider in BC who works with people living with dementia? We’re looking to hear from you about your ideas on how to better support people living with dementia to participate in decision-making.
Your feedback will inform tool development for health care providers to support decision-making involvement for people living with dementia. Participants will be entered into a $200 cash draw.
If you are interested, please contact Jessica Fehrenbacher at [email protected] or call 778-548-9996.
Jan 26: CCEL’s Krista James and Jess Fehrenbacher will be hosting a webinar with the Alzheimer Society of B.C. to discuss the Engaging People Living With Dementia in Decision Making Project.
To join this webinar, register through this link.
Jan 26: Krista James will be hosting a webinar on “Dementia and Advance Health Care Planning” with EGALE Canada.
Jan 27: Krista James will be doing a guest lecture in the University of British Columbia’s Social Work department.
Feb 4: Krista James will participate in the panel: Law and Ethics of Smart Homes and Wellbeing Monitoring with the University of Ottawa Centre for Health Law.
Registration is available through this link.

Krista James | Georgia Straight
Elder abuse response in B.C. should not be modelled after our child protection system
Krista James | BarTalk
Elder Abuse and Neglect
Jessica Fehrenbacher and Elayne McIvor Project Update: Engaging People Living with Dementia in Decision-Making |