Financial 101: Protect Yourself!
Financial literacy is a complex concept. In the context of working with older adult consumers, financial literacy include understanding advance financial planning and mental capacity issues, recognizing elder financial abuse, and knowing what you can do if you or someone you know experiences financial abuse.
Protect Yourself! (also known as Financial Literacy 101) is a self-contained train-the-trainer binder that allows agencies and communities to train their own volunteers to deliver educational workshops on financial literacy for older adults, following a peer education model. The binder includes the material for two workshops, as well as handouts for teaching volunteers to lead workshops.
There are 2 workshops. Workshop 1 is focused on powers of attorney and joint accounts, and workshop 2 discusses frauds and scams. The trainer binder includes PowerPoint presentations for each workshop as well as participatory activities, handouts to highlight learning objectives, and evaluation forms. The workshops were focus-tested in the Vancouver lower mainland area and have since been delivered at many locations.
Contact BC CEAS to order the binder for a small fee, or to request a BC CEAS volunteer to deliver the workshop at your organization.
CCEL is currently exploring options for developing versions of this resource for other provinces and territories.
This project was generously funded by the Human Resources Skills Development Canada, New Horizons for Seniors Program.
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