Work in Progress

Indigenous Courts


Approaches to dispute resolution will need to evolve in light of the BC Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Examples of Indigenous courts and other dispute resolution mechanisms that apply customary law and traditional justice or peacemaking methods operate in other countries and regions, including the U.S. and Latin America.

The BCLI, as part of the Reconciling Crown Legal Frameworks program, is undertaking a comparative research project on the ways in which Indigenous courts and similar tribunals exercise jurisdiction alongside colonial courts in other jurisdictions. This study paper will explore approaches in other jurisdictions and describe opportunities and issues associated with supporting independent Indigenous adjudicative and dispute resolution fora in BC.

Project funder

Funding for this project has been provided by the McLachlin Fund.

Related Files

Below you will find additional, relevant and specific documentation, backgrounders, research, resources, media releases and summaries that have been, or will be incorporated into our final publications and study papers.

If you have questions about these or other specific documents, please reach out to BCLI using our contact page or at the bottom of each page of our website.