
Elder and Guardianship Mediation Survey – Canada

Published: 2009-06-09 00:00:00
Paper Number:
Project: Elder and Guardianship Mediation
Sector: Elder Abuse, Human Rights Law,

The BC Law Institute is carrying out a research project about Elder Law Mediation/
Guardianship Mediation. This project is being carried out in light of Bill 29, which once
implemented will make mediation mandatory for all guardianship applications that fall
under specific criteria in BC. The project will also examine mediations that involve older
persons more broadly. We value your input provided through this questionnaire.

This survey is available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

Please mail the completed form to the Canadian Centre for Elder Law at

1822 East Mall
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1z1

Alternatively, e-mail us directly at [email protected].

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