December 22, 2022

Parentage committee discusses inheritance and parentage for posthumously conceived children

In December, BCLI’s Parentage Law Reform Project Committee continued its discussion of posthumous conception. The committee focused on one issue relating to who can be named a parent for a posthumously conceived child under BC’s Family Law Act and two issues relating to inheritance for posthumously conceived children under BC’s Read more…

December 15, 2022

Parentage committee discusses parentage of posthumously conceived children

In November, BCLI’s Parentage Law Reform Project Committee started discussing the topic of posthumous conception. Posthumous conception occurs when a child is conceived using assisted reproduction after one of their parents has died. This can occur either through a person’s sperm or eggs being removed from their body after death, Read more…

June 23, 2020

Amendments to the Wills, Estates and Succession Act enable electronic wills and electronic witnessing of wills

With a bill introduced into the legislative assembly on Monday, the BC government is proposing two changes to the Wills, Estates and Succession Act. First, the bill’s amendments will make permanent the changes on remote witnessing of wills that were enabled by a recent ministerial order. As a government news Read more…

September 12, 2017

Will-Making Formalities

This series examines and compares recommendations made in several BCLI reports and those made by the Law Commission of England and Wales. To read the other posts in the series click here. In order for a will to be valid, a will must meet certain formal requirements. These requirements, often referred to Read more…

August 22, 2017

Undue Influence and Will-Making

This series examines and compares recommendations made in several BCLI reports and those made by the Law Commission of England and Wales. To read the other posts in the series click here. Undue influence can be defined as a situation where a person is pressured to perform a legal act, and where Read more…